Sunday, April 19, 2009

At Mitchell's B'day by Jessica

My brother Jose, and I went to Mitchell's 8th B'day Party. It was fun. My friends came there too. There was Adlin, Sophie, Anela, Masato, Santiago, Sabrena, Iona and more friends. It was really fun at Mitchell's party. Well, there was a bouncing castle, and it was really bouncy! Next, in the castle, there was a bouncy slide which you could slide on, and then jump or dive into the pool. We were not only celebrating Mitchell's birthday, we were also celebrating Mitchell's small sister, Elizebeth's birthday too. She is turning 1 years old. She was so cute! A clown came and did very funny things! He did magic too. The clown made a dice disappear! I had a water gun. I had fun with it. I shoot everone with water! They did the same to me. There was a very shallow swimming pool and there was a slide which went straight to the pool! It was so fun! I went super fast! Also Anela & Maureen. We went super, super, SUPER FAST! We got turns to be leader because we were holding eachother's leg. And one person should be a tunnel. Mitchell lived in a Recidence. The place reminded me of someone else's birthday party. It was Ryan's. He is from China and Iona came to his birthday as well. He had a swimming pool and a shallow swimming pool. Only he did not have a slide. I enjoyed both B'days but I like Mitchell's birthday better. It was SUPER FUN!!!


Mr.Marshall said...

Fantastic work Jessica! I enjoyed reading about Mitchell's birthday party. Sounds like you had a great time! Sorry, I couldn't make it.

2MM Student said...

Wow I like your writing and I like the color on your post. And you wrote a lot.
from sabby

2MM Student said...

Good writing Jessica!I liked it!really you had a wonderful time with your friends.But I couldn't make it.


2MM Student said...

i like your story. from your best friend adlin